Plumbing – How to repair this detached kitchen sink pipe


I noticed one of the two kitchen sinks is leaking–that's not really the right word. It's more like pouring. When I pour something down that drain it's like I might as well have just dumped whatever it was straight into the cabinet beneath the sink.

I took a look at it and it seems as though the pipe connected to the drain just got detached somehow. (The house is pretty old, I guess.) I'm not sure about the best way to fix it, especially since it looks like the part of the nut may have broken off.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Drain lines are pretty easy to work with. If you are completely unfamiliar but want to do it yourself I would recommend removing all the drain line you can, ideally all the way from the sink to the wall. If you want to do less of it, remove the portion you plan to replace and leave the rest hanging.

Once removed bring the stuff to your local hardware/big box store and ask someone for assistance getting you what you need. Pictures may come in handy there as well, make sure you have one of each of the places where pipes connect to something, also helps to have them for reference when putting it all back together.