Plumbing – I left a pound of ice to melt in the shower. Two hours later the downstairs neighbor reported a leak from their shower light fixture


Our 4-unit building has identically laid out apartments with a guest shower. I was clearing some ice from a broken freezer, and left about a pound or less of ice near the drain of the shower to melt away.

enter image description here

Two hours or so later, our downstairs neighbor reported that there was a very small but 'steady stream' of water coming out of theirlight fixture, which looks exactly like this. Since the incident, their light fixture hasn't functioned.

Could the melting ice water have caused a permanent leak to have developed? In the past, we have taken very very long showers in this shower with no hint of a leak, but hadn't used this bathroom in a week leading up to this incident.

enter image description here

Best Answer

  • could be the cold has shrunk something, maybe rubber isolation, and the water was able to go around it (something like that caused the challenger explosion)

  • could be the cold has cooled down the neighbours ceiling and the moisture in the room condensed there, like when you use air conditioning