Plumbing – Is it a bad idea to temporarily caulk a toilet base leak


We've discovered that our toilet is leaking at the base (related question: How can I repair a toilet that is leaking at the base?) and needs repair. However, whoever installed the toilet originally decided to concrete it down to the floor, so a DIY repair isn't that simple.

We've decided to use it as an excuse to get the whole bathroom refitted. But obviously this'll take time (several months). We need to use the toilet in the mean time, so how bad an idea is it to caulk around the base to stop the dirty water dribbling out onto the floor until we can get the whole thing replaced?

It's on the ground floor, if that makes any difference.

Best Answer

It is a very bad idea to caulk around the base of a toilet.

It is an even worse idea to caulk around the base of a toilet with a known seal leak.

Do not wait, pull the toilet up and replace the seal and make whatever necessary repairs as soon as possible. You don't know where that nasty waste water will end up if you seal it in.