Plumbing – Is it legal to connect a combi expansion pipe to a drainpipe


Is it legal to install a combi boiler in a cupboard in a bedroom and connect the expansion pipe to a cast iron drainpipe? The person who has done it ownes one of the four flats in our house. Recently during heavy rainfall a back-up occurred and water from the drainpipe entered his boiler. The boiler burst and water entered both his flat and the one below his.
Who is liable for the burst boiler and water damage?

He has now disconnected his expansion pipe and an ugly pipe projects from the house wall. I am afraid it may be dangers in the event of boiling water projecting onto a nearby path. Is it possible to have it inspected and if so by whom? I would be very grateful for any advice.

Best Answer

First step would be to contact a lawyer about the damages the boiler caused in your property. Second might be to contact the local code inspector to check the installation. Sounds like you got several problems that need to be addressed separately. Not sure how things work there. In the USA things may be different.