Plumbing – Is this the stopcock / stop valve


I need to locate my stopcock / stop valve, but am not sure how to find it. I live in a flat the UK, within a house which has been converted into three flats. However, after looking at pictures of stopcocks on the web, I cannot find anything which resembles the "brass tap" design, which seems to be typical:

enter image description here

So instead, I have been inspecting the back of my sink. This looks like:

enter image description here

And on closer inspection:

enter image description here

Then following it down and to the right:

enter image description here

Could it be the red tap on the end?

And then following it round the back to the left:

enter image description here

Those red and blue taps are the only taps I can see. Could these be my stockcocks? I would have thought that there is only one stopcock though, for cold water from the mains, rather than a separate one for hot water too since mains only supplies cold water.

If I follow this even further round to the left, after removing part of a cupboard, I've managed to capture a photo of this:

enter image description here

There are some black taps in there, as well as a red tap. However, this is by no means an easy place to get to, and I would have thought that the stopcock would be in an easier place to reach? For example, I cannot even get my hand down to those black taps, without removing the entire cabinet.

I have also tried looking under by boiler, which is a combi-boiler located in my kitchen:

enter image description here

But nothing there looks like a tap.

Other than these images, there really are no other places I can find in my flat which has any exposed plumbing where the stopcock might be found. Can somebody spot the stopcock in my photos, or advise how I should proceed?


Best Answer

The Polypipe parts with red and blue taps look like heating manifolds (do you have underfloor heating?) and are not likely to be the stop tap.

You'll have to follow the two pipes to the right in the under-sink photo. One of those (the one that feeds the cold tap) will be fed from the stop tap. It will probably also connect a cold feed to the boiler and to any other sinks, bath, or shower too.

Do you have a bath? (It could be under there).

Is your flat on the ground floor or an upper floor?

Edit to add (one of your photos wasn't loading initially)... The stop tap is the one that has been painted white, next to the earth bonding (green and yellow wire) connection.

Also...For future reference, the black taps are on the filling loop for your boiler. If the pressure gauge shows too low pressure in the system, you'll need to let more water in to the required operating pressure.