Plumbing – Is this what a leaking toilet looks like


The last couple of weeks I have noticed a stale urine smell in my washroom. I scrubbed the washroom top-to-bottom, but the smell persists 🙁

Today I noticed that the grout at the "corners" of my toilet appears to be a little damp (photos below). Could this indicate a leak with the wax seal, and be the cause of odor?

If so, I guess the solution is replacing the wax seal, drying out the area underneath, and (depending on damage) replacing drywall ceiling underneath (it's a second floor washroom)?

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Best Answer

There are numerous explanations for possible causes of moist grout near your toilet base, one of them being a compromised wax ring.

  • washing/cleaning of the outside of the toilet can allow water to run down and moisten the area at the base
  • a compromised seal between the tank and bowl can allow unseen water to run down and moisten the area at the base
  • poor aim by male household members will cause urine to run down and moisten the area at the base, this would cause a urine smell as well (this is a thing, I had 3 boys in the house)
  • a compromised wax ring could cause moisture at the base of the toilet

Some modern wax rings have an integral plastic funnel that allows gravity to direct water/waste into the drain line, which helps prevent leaks (under normal circumstances) even if the wax is compromised. I would recommend that you carefully examine the unit for other signs and if you find none go ahead and pull the toilet. Get a friend to help, they are unwieldy, and use a ring like I mentioned above when you replace it.