Plumbing – move the kitchen to the front of the house or any other ideas


I recently purchased this 3/4 bedroom house. I liked having the additional room space downstairs (converted garage) but do not like how it is separated from the rest of the house.

Also, the kitchen would need to be extended as it is quite small. The current layout is awkward, with you having to walk through the lounge from the kitchen to the existing dining area.!

My initial idea is shown below. This would increase the size of the kitchen whilst have the garage conversion tail off of the living room making it more entwined with the rest of the house (in my opinion).

enter image description here

How easy do you think it would be to move the kitchen to the lounge or does anyone have any better ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

There are several factors to consider here.

1) If the inside wall on the right side of the kitchen is a load bearing wall it could not be simply ripped out. It would likely have to be replaced with a beam to properly support the upper level.

2) If this first floor layout is built on a concrete slab then it is likely that some of the utilities are through and under the concrete. For sure the drain would be like this. The point being that moving such utilities is a major rework of the slab.

3) Kitchens normally have multiple electrical circuits routed to them. These would have to be re-routed or additional circuits added to the new location.

4) The existing bump out window implies some extra exterior wall construction details that may include foundation and 2nd level interface details that may impact the exterior in a fairly major way if removed.

So those are just the first things that come to mind.

In the end I would say that the project is possible if money, time and patience are available in plentiful quantities. But you also need to weigh if the investment balances with the value of the property, how long you intend to stay in the property and how/where you would live whilst a major project like this is undertaken.