Plumbing – New 1/4in plumbing shakes when cold water shuts off; worried


I had a 1/4in line run from my basement to a new kitchen refrigerator, using a saddle valve coming directly off the 3/4in main (it's the first tee off the street essentially).

Every time cold water shuts off in the home (whether it's the kitchen or bathroom sink, or the fridge's water dispenser) there is an audible shake and bang from behind the fridge, I am assuming the 1/4in is vibrating against something. I have amazing (A M A ZING) water pressure in my home, best shower I've ever had, every day.

So I'm going to pull the fridge and brace the copper pipe, but there has to be something else going on here, this doesn't sound normal. I am worried about the lifetime of this pipe and my wood floors. Do I need to reduce pressure somehow? Even if I brace the heck out of it, something is causing it to buck and that's bound to affect something, somewhere.

Best Answer

You probably have always had the problem but adding the T made the problem noticeable. As far as I see this there are 2 problems. First the plumbing is loose and needs to be secured you may have not heard it in the past but it was there adding the T may save your plumbing because now you know it needs to be anchored. 2nd be prepared to replace the saddle valve these things are trouble waiting to spring a leak at the worst possible time according to Murphy's law. Do you need to lower the pressure NO! Pipe movement is a flow issue pressure can make it worse but why sacrifice wonderful water pressure when all that is needed is to anchor the pipe.