Plumbing – no water in house


In the past month I had some plumbing work done in the bathrooms. Both bathrooms had new fixtures put in. My house was built in 1953. The toilet in the main bath started making loud noises when flushed. Then the water in the entire house stopping working. I called a plumber on a Sunday and paid a bunch of money for that too, and the water came back on before he got there. He said I needed a new intake valve and came back and replaced it.

Last weekend the toilet make the loud noise again, and the water again stopped working in the whole house. The next day, before I called the plumber, the water came back on. Anybody have a clue what would cause this. I am not sure if the loud noises from the toilet are related to the water shutting off but it happened twice so I am not sure.

Best Answer

Kit - The noises from the toilet flush and the water shutdown could be coincidental but probably are related. The noise could be due to changing water pressure along with air in the line caused by a disruption in the water supply. This could be due to a faulty pressure regulator valve but could have other causes. You don't mention whether you are on city water or a well. I've seen instances where the water folks have done line repairs without notifying residents. Check with your water company and find out if any lines were being serviced in your area. I've known it to happen. If you're on a well it could be a faulty pump working intermittently.