Plumbing – Non-Permanent Plastic Pipe Sealant or Join Improvement


Brief: Looking for recommendations on a product to improve the seal of 2 joined plastic pipes (narrower pipe wedged into wider one) that is non-permanent + water and hot/cold resistant?

Details: I have two plastic pipes (similar to PVC pipe) which is part of an Enersol solar pool heating panel that fit together, one into the other with a locking pin to hold them together. The fit is too loose and they leak constantly (we have had endless problems with these).

As far as I can tell they are not damaged, just that the pipes don't fit snug enough. I want to make the seal better, but it can't be permenantly cemented together because if one panel needs to be replaced they have to come apart.

I was about to try a wrap of teflon-tape around the inner pipe and try that, but it occurred to me that there might be a product meant specifically for this. Needs to be waterproof, and fairly heat/cold resistant. It is on the roof.

photo of pipe joint

Disclaimer: we are not handy at all.

Thank you kindly.

Best Answer

It appears to me that since it is on the roof, subject to extremes, that the joint needs to withstand the expansion and contraction of the PVC pipe. That joint you are referring to is just that, it is a slip joint that allows the pipe to grow and shrink in length and presumably still not leak, since is a closed system, or supposed to be. There should be a rubber or neoprene "O" ring that allows it to seal with movement. It should just need replacement and reassembled using a silicone lubricant.