Plumbing – Origins of drain flies in apt


We live in an upscale relatively small and new building in suburbs of NY. It’s a 2bdrm. I and my husband keep it exceptionally clean —trash taken out near daily, sweeping-mopping-vacuuming done every other day, no food is ever left out, no dishes ever left in sink but placed into dishwasher immediately, any spills taken care of, etc.

Despite all this, for the last 2 months, we have had about 3 dozen flies hover above each of our three sinks (kitchen+each of two bathrooms)

Building pest control has come by and treated sinks and surrounding area last Tue by pouring pesticides down the drains. No improvements. Above each sink there is a constant swarm of flies. Pest control said they will treat once a week until the problem is resolved.

My husband and I are wondering: are the pest control people diagnosing and treating the problem correctly? What could be causing this?

Best Answer

Check your houseplants. It sounds like they are gnats that live in overly moist soil. Look for fungus in the soil and if you find them, decrease watering and treat with a solution of neem oil to get rid of them.