Plumbing – Pipe blocking drywall placement


I'm new here

I'm redoing my 2nd floor Bathroom and this is my first major project. when the plumber redid the plumbing in the wall (coming from 3rd floor and joining waste from 2nd floor bath and down to drain) he put the pipe sticking out so that I cant put on the drywall.

Pipe view

I only removed the old tiles on the lower half of the wall and Don't want to remove the lath and plaster.

I don't want to bring the plumber back and I don't want to add another layer to the entire wall. What can I do?

enter image description here

There is a door immediately to the left of the area shown. (you can see the casing on the bottom of the second picture)

I'm only tiling the bottom part so my only thought is that perhaps the tile can make the difference in depth not noticeable. but I'm not sure how that would work against the door.

I'm new to this so any advise would be appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

It looks like the existing cast iron nub is the problem more than the pvc. If you are covering in tile you can cut out a hole in your sheetrock or wonderboard this will save you 1/2 inch. Then you can tile right over the area. You may have to build the wall out some to do this but there is no other way. End result will be your tile will be only a tile thickness past the nub on your finish wall.