Plumbing – Please help! I don’t know what to do on what to do about the frozen main water supply line to the toilet


The water supply line to my toilet is frozen going on about 24 hours now. It is in the upstairs bathroom along the north wall, the only water line in the house that is frozen. All other pipes/drains/showers/toilets ect seem to be working fine, all are dripping.
The line is in the exterior wall and I am not able to get to the pipes.

Do I call a Plumber now?

I have a heater in the bathroom and the room below that bathroom Is my kitchen so I’ve turned the heat up in my house to 74 degrees hoping it will help to thaw the pipe as well just now. Had it on 69 before the pipe froze then up to 71 until an hour ago. My pipes are PEX pipe.

It is supposed to be below freezing for about 6 more days then should thaw out. Again, I’d love any suggestions and should I call a Plumber now or wait?

I’m losing sleep worrying. Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for any and all advice.

Best Answer

Oh. I just realised "the line is in the exterior wall" - you mean buried inside a wall itself, or that it comes in from the outside? How close to it can you get? Can you see any part of it to examine it? I've never seen any building with piping buried in exterior walls (just because of this precise winter scenario), so I'm a bit puzzled.

Late Edit
I might have to reduce this to "if you can see the pipe or get to it to see if it's cracked or may leak and you can switch off the water to this one run without affecting the rest of the house, then warm it now. If not, call the plumber."
What you don't want to end up with is a leak you can't get to & can't switch off without switching everything off, especially if you and a thousand other people are all queuing for the same plumber, who may not be able to make it til Wednesday.

Thawing the pipe is easy enough, a hairdryer or small fan heater & a bit of patience… however…

Ice is 'bigger' than water, so frozen pipes are swollen pipes. Swollen pipes can crack under pressure.
So, before considering your next action - to call a plumber or attempt to DIY - make certain you can see no evidence of swelling or cracking.

If all looks good, then you can gently heat it. If using a hairdryer etc don't get the pipes themselves too warm. Be patient & heat around the area, slow & sure.