Plumbing – Remove LDR (TL116) toilet fill valve part under cap to flush


enter image description hereI'm trying to flush the top of the toilet fill valve. I've installed and it works great, levels correct, but after it stops flushing, the part under the cap leaks for a few minutes. I tried removing it like normal where you push down and turn counterclockwise, but it won't move. I took the cap off and pushed down and pulled up, won't move. I'm afraid of breaking it, so does anyone know "the easy way" to remove it? I couldn't find any info on this part.

Best Answer

Not sure why you need to flush out the new valve. Sounds like the valve is not getting enough pressure from the float to shut off completely, until it gets a little more water in the tank. Try lowering the float so that the water shuts off half an inch lower than you have it currently set.