Plumbing – Replacing Shut Off Valve


I changed out our kitchen faucet over the weekend and after getting everything hooked up, I'm only getting hot water. Our cold water valve's handle broke off a while back so I just use the screw to open and close the valve. I've unscrewed it all the way and even used pliers to turn the white part but I'm still not getting anything. I'm guessing it's the valve that needs replaced but I'm not sure what to do. Do I just unscrew the valve? Does it screw out of the white cap with text on it or is that part of the valve? I don't ever do projects like this so sorry if I'm not describing it very well.

enter image description here

Best Answer

As long as you can get the existing valve fully open you can leave it in place. Buy a piggy back valve, you screw it into the existing valve and use it instead of the original.

As zelinka mentioned the existing valve is done in expansion pex and the tools needed to put a new one on are close to $600.

You could probably do a sharkbite fitting on the pipe if you cut it below the expansion ring. Something like this: