Plumbing – Repressurising Logic Combi 24 boiler


I bled a rad that was cold at the top, and not much water escaped. This fixed the rad, but the pressure in the boiler dropped to just below 0.3(It may have been low to begin with, since I hadn't checked this in a good while). I checked with the manual, and a couple of youtube videos of similar boilers, and then happy that I knew exactly what to do, I opened two valves on the filling loop(which was already attached by whoever installed it), expecting the boiler to re-pressurise… but literally nothing happens. I was wondering if anyone might know of a reason for this? I am quite sure all valves that should be opened, are. I haven't had any problems with the boiler before this.

Below are the instructions from the user manual.. my filling loop is basically in the state you see in the last picture(set up). Turning the valves as instructed does nothing.. Any help is much appreciated.

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Best Answer

So I got a guy out to fix it. This was months ago at this point. However, he discovered that the fill loop had been put on "the wrong way around". I'm not a plumber, or person who knows about pipes, but I am assuming from his explanation that water simply couldn't flow either way through this small section of pipe... regardless, he said he put it on the right way around, and indeed I can now repressurise the system. I have no idea why the guy before this put the pipe on backwards..