Plumbing – Running too many appliances needing water on a well system and now no water


My wife did 2 dishwasher loads, a washer load on high, and then took a shower….all of this in about a time frame of 3 hours. Water comes out slow and weak out of the faucets in the basement and first floor and a trickle from the 2nd floor. I checked the welltron at that time and the psi gauge read 0. Now, 12 hours later, it reads 15psi. Help!!!

Best Answer

It is highly possible to run a well down in level to the point where it is effectively dry. Water is not an endless resource.

As you pump water out of the well casing the level in the casing drops. Depending on the depth of your well, the height of the water table, and the capacity of your well you can pump the casing dry.

Then, water refills the well casing over time and now you have water again. If you are in an area that has experienced low rainfall, overpumping from agriculture or other issues your water level couldn't be extremely low already.

Another issue could be a clogged screen on your pump. Only a well service could help you with this.

Try moderating your water usage and see if that helps.

Good luck!