Plumbing – seal the bath overflow waste with silicon, from the inside


We have a freestanding bath

Unfortunately, we cannot gain access to the underside and when it drains water is leaking through the ceiling.

This began when the bath was overfilled and water ran down the overflow seemingly draining into the floor/ceiling. Since then when water naturally flows through the plug it appears to be flowing back into the overflow pipe and into the ceiling.

What would be the best product to inject down the plug into the overflow pipe? Silicon? Or expandable foam? Would sealing the pipe from the inside work?enter image description here

Best Answer

It will not work.

You will need to find the exact cause of the leak (e.g. disturbed slip-joint fitting, cracked tube, fitting pull-out, bad gasket, etc.) and fix it proper. If it is "freestanding" then the overflow should be accessible unless it is concealed in a skirt. If it's concealed... time to disconnect the supply and drain and tip that b^*ch up...