Plumbing – Sharkbite fitting connection is leaking around painted pipe


I just installed this sharkbite valve. 1/2 copper pipe. The right side of the valve is dry, but the left side is leaking. What could be the problem? I tried pushing more of the right side of the pipe into the valve but it won’t go any further. What can I do from here? Cut it out and get a longer valve to make up the space difference?

sharkbite valve leaking on the left

Best Answer

It looks like the paint on the pipe is causing your problems. I'd recommend shutting off the water, removing the shark bite connector, and stripping the paint for a couple inches on either side. The hardware store will have chemicals to help strip the paint so you don't have to do it all manually.

Here is a video of how to use emery cloth to clean a copper pipe. The video is a bit long for the topic but covers it well:

When you reinsert it, SharkBite recommends 15/16" insertion depth for 1/2" pipe. Typically you should measure that distance from the end of the pipe and mark it with a permanent marker so you have a sight line for reference when pushing the fitting on.

SharkBite Pipe Insertion Diagram