Plumbing – should I rework this 3/4“ main water line into 1/2” branch circuits


The main water line into my house is 3/4". It then sizes down to 1/2" for the distribution throughout the house. I am wondering about the transition from 3/4" to 1/2" – what is the right way for that to look?

Specifically, my 3/4" line transitions down to 1/2" in the straight pipe before it branches off to any of the other lines. This seems to me it would create a choke point that would undermine the benefit of 3/4". Would it be better to extend 3/4" line to meet some other circuits, or is the current setup typical?

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Best Answer

@ Roberto, I would change the water line to exactly what you show in your bottom picture. In my home there are no 1/2X1/2X1/2" tees. All the 1/2" lines are teed off the 3/4" line and when one device uses water, say someone flushes a toilet, the person in the shower does not see a reduction of water flow or a major temperature change in the shower water. There have been many posts where people ask "how do I keep adequate water flow when I have 1/2" plumbing", Your drawing is the answer. This works for me.