Plumbing – Should we install an overhead tank or cistern tank

plumbingpumpwaterwater tank

We are building our home (a 2-storey house) and a cistern tank was suggested by our architect for aesthetics. We asked around the neighborhood and one person has a cistern and an overhead tank but uses the cistern more on a daily basis while the overhead tank is used when there's no power. The ground floor is also connected directly to the city water line while the 2nd floor is pumped from the cistern due to low pressure up to the 2nd floor. The other neighbor only uses an overhead tank in their backyard.

We are quite concerned on aesthetics and safety but also about the cost of electricity if we use a cistern powered by a tank to supply the 2nd floor of the house. We were told by our architect that we can find an energy saving pump these days and in case there's no electricity, we can always buy a cheaper generator as back-up.

Also, our architect suggested we have a cistern to store rain water for use in gardening and supply water to the pond which we think is a great idea.

Are there other reasons for choosing a cistern tank vs an overhead tank?

Best Answer

  • A cistern tank is shielded from all elements-the temperature will be less volatile.
  • Sun warmth can not increase bio live.
  • They work for centuries now.