Plumbing – Slow draining shower


Advice please to clear shower drain. I have used bicarbonate soda and vinegar which didn’t help. Then I bought a snake auger but when I take chrome cover off shower drain, all I cannot see any sign of the hole leading to pipe work and I’ve tried feeling for it with flexible wire. If I look under the shower I can see where drain pipe goes off the trap but no entry hole when I try from shower tray. I wondered if there was a hair trap which should lift out but plastic fitting seems to be secured into shower tray. I’ve tried turning it but no movement at all. I’d be grateful for any tips. I’d post photo but not sure how to add them. enter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

I've dealt with this recently with two shower/tubs. I'm going to assume that you mean a combo and just a shower because those (at least in my experience) go straight down.

For me, it was really hard to tell which way the drain went at the bottom, but it went straight back under the tub. Please don't take this to mean that yours necessarily does.

For the first one, I put a snake down and was able to get quite a bit of hair out. The snake ended up getting stuck on the way out and I deformed it some. With the second, I just put some lye down the drain. This isn't really ideal especially if you have a septic field, but is fast and easy.