Plumbing – Stainless Steel Washing Machine Hoses


I see that an installer used stainless steel jacketed filler hoses with my new washer. (See picture below.) I was wondering if these are any better than rubber hoses?

I've heard a few stories about people going on vacation and finding their washing machine hoses burst while they were away. I try to remember to shut off the valves when I'm away, but I I'd like to know if these SS hoses help at all. (After all, they don't have to burst only while I'm out of town.)

I see in the details from my hardware store that stainless steel hoses are rated for 1500 to 2500 PSI. The rubber ones are rated at 150 PSI. That's a big difference, but does it address the underlying problem, which I assume is that the hose ages and eventually fails?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I was about to answer that these stainless steel-wrapped hoses are more reliable than plain rubber, but after looking at some articles on line, I'm not so inclined to say so. This PDF says they're no more reliable nor last longer than good quality rubber hoses, and another article here says about the same thing. Both rubber and stainless steel clad hoses should be replaced at the same interval, about three - five years.

I would still go with the stainless steel hoses, as they're not too expensive and during their lifetime are less prone to damage. However, if your water supplier uses chloramine (as opposed to chlorine) to disinfect your water, then I strongly recommend using good quality rubber hoses and replacing them every three years.