Plumbing – The main water valve won’t open fully after I closed it. How to shut off the water to replace it


Basically the title says it all.

I turned the water for the house off to replace some leaking washing machine shutoff valves, and install stop-cock valves for a laundry sink. When I tried to turn the water back on, it came on a little bit, but now the valve-handle just spins without affecting the flow.

The main shut-off valve for the house is an old gate-valve, which I gather from reading here fail on a fairly regular basis (I'm going to stick a ball-valve in as a replacement).

I can replace the valve easily enough, but how do I go about turning off the water, since I need to replace the valve that I would normally use to shutoff the water to replace a valve.

Is there normally a second cutoff valve in with the water meter, or am I stuck having to call the water utility company?

This is at my parents house, which is ~1 hour drive away. I would just go digging around in the water-meter enclosure otherwise.

FWIW, this is in California, USA

Best Answer

You need to find the main shut off valve in the road, side walk or somewhere on or near your property. They are usually placed in mini manholes with easy access:

enter image description here enter image description hereenter image description here

But if you're unlucky you will need to get some building plans and try to find where on the plans the supply pipe runs and find the valve at the connection point to the main supply. In most cases it will be near the connection point of the main supply:

enter image description here

but if its not, or if you struggle to close it call your council to help you. You don't want to break that!


It is easy to snap these valves- if its rusted badly apply (known as WD-40, LN-40, HT-40) spray oil based rust release (spray leave an hour try again.. repeat a few times), TAP the valve with a hammer (!TAP!, do not whack it, to help release the valve. Also, usually opening the valve slightly helps to release it then try to close it.