Plumbing – the proper way to bring a water line in through skirting on concrete runners


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I have a new manufactured home in the greater Seattle area. Our frost line is at 12” and the home sits on concrete runners.

My contractor ran a common trench for our utilities, power and cable and water.

We are supposed to back fill the house a bit but I’m not sure how much, but I’m trying to find the right way to bring plumbing in.

One plumber said they would just put insulated pex on and pass it straight in above the runners. Another said he would put a valve box in and a main shut off first.

Neither addressed frost concerns. I asked online and everyone said the line should come up through the concrete not above it.

What’s the best way to solve this properly?

Best Answer

As for the best way to solve this properly, I'd say "put the house on a foundation" but that's clearly not what you are looking for.

Digging the trench to the point(s) where the water and sewer connect and then building an insulated box with a hard skin to keep animals out of it (cementboard or metal) to contain the pipes running vertically. Otherwise you're into the godawful failure-prone land of wrapping things in heat tape and insulation, and hoping you don't have a heat tape falure that either freezes your pipes or sets things on fire...