Plumbing – this piece inside the spigot supply hole, and what is it used for


I'm watching videos online describing how to fix a leaky Delta kitchen faucet. As I'm following the instructions I encounter an odd hitch. Where, according to the video, there should be an empty and clear spigot supply hole, mines has this weird object I'm not exactly sure what it does.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Does anyone know what this part does, and is it needed to stay in the spigot supply hole are entirely optional to keep out? Is it possible this ist he source of the leaks?

With the piece in question:
enter image description here

Without the piece in question:
enter image description here

Best Answer

It is indeed the spray hose diverter. I would not remove it, even if you don't normally use the spray hose. If for no other reason, you'll never be able to use the hose again.

I am unsure if removing it would cause issue. I'm not brave enough to try.

I have replaced the fittings two of my Delta faucets. One with a diverter. The gaskets were always my issue. You can buy a kit at big box stores that have a complete gasket set to replace them all.