Plumbing – this sink drain bolt called


A bolt that holds the kitchen sink drain "basket" to the sink basin has broken and caused water to leak between the sink and the drain. What is this part called?

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enter image description here

Also, any ideas on where I can find it in Canada? So far what I've seen for sale are only entire "sink strainer" assemblies, when I just need that bolt.

Best Answer

Any bolt of the correct thread pitch would work. I'd suggest taking it to your local hardware store and browsing the selection until you find one that matches. I would recommend stainless steel so it doesn't rust and/or get nasty looking, brass would be a good alternative, though it wouldn't match in terms of color. Galvanized steel would be a second place. Bare steel would be a very distant 3rd, and I'd invest in a box of them so you can replace them when they start to look nasty.