Plumbing – Toilet on septic system won’t flush after heavy rain


I have a home with 2 toilets on a septic system. It has been raining for 2 weeks or more. Neither toilet will flush. They just fill to the top of the bowl and take all day to drain. The first thing that happened before this problem was when in the shower the toilets had a lot of air bubble up and then the tube was draining slowly also.

Some people said to wait 2-3 days after the rain stops and the water that soaked into the septic would drain out and every thing would be ok.

Best Answer

Your drain field is saturated. You need a new drain field. The drain field gets plugged with lint and fibers. It is too slow to handle the drainage from your house when the ground is wet. Talk to a qualified backhoe operator. He should be able to help you.