Plumbing – Trouble fitting plumbing under new vanity


I am trying to install a new vanity and have run into some trouble trying to fit the plumbing needed under the sink because:

  • The vanity is small
  • The plumbing goes directly into the floor
  • All the pipes are really tight together limiting the amount of space for PVC
  • The PVC drain pipe leading into the floor is not straight up-and-down (it's crooked)
  • The sink drain and drain pipe are located weirdly with respect to each other.

The following is my attempt at the plumbing, but I believe that the distance from the p-trap's union and the elbow is not up to code. Also, to get the old (crooked) drain pipe to line up with new piece of PVC, I cut the drain pipe at an angle which I assume is probably not the correct solution to the problem. Finally, the sink is now gurgling or gulping when water flow is strong and it wasn't before.

enter image description here
enter image description here

How can I improve my current design and could my current design have caused the gurgling/gulping?

Note: There is a vent that goes from the crawl-space below the bathroom to the outside. I am assuming that the sink is connecting to that. Also, I have not checked if it is clogged but it was working fine before I removed the old vanity so I am making the assumption that it is still working.

EDIT: Here's a picture of the setup before I removed the old vanity. Please note that I had already removed the sink so the sink drain is not there
enter image description here

Best Answer

Not sure how many bends (90's) your drain makes after the vanity, but if only one, you could stick a 90 on the drain coming from the floor of the vanity, and have it sloping up and point towards the back corner of the vanity. You could then run another 90 straight up with an AAV at the top of the pipe and have your trap tie into this vertical pipe significantly lower than the AAV, giving you a long enough pipe after the trap before a vertical drop. This may alleviate the gurgle noise but I do not know for sure. Your trap should be draining into a pipe that has a vent on it, so that when the water does a vertical drop it doesn't cause suction on the trap and pull water from the trap causing gases to escape from the sewer system into your house.