Plumbing: Two control points for shower


I'm doing a remodel and I wanted to ask for your advice.

I have a fairly large shower spanning the entire width of the bathroom (see the plan below). I'd like to set up the showerhead at one end of the shower (the furthest point from the 5'6" unmovable glass door) – but I worry that with that plan, I won't be able to turn the shower on without getting wet before the water warms up.

What I would like to do ideally is to have the showerhead where it is on the plan, have the mixer right there, but add a secondary set of flow controls where the red arrow is on the plan. Is that possible? Is it crazy? What kind of equipment would I need to add to make that happen?

Thanks in advance!

enter image description here

Best Answer

Sure I think you could do this. You'd need another set of supply lines at the other side, and a second valve. You'd then run the pipe for the shower head to the other side of the shower and T it in with the other shower head pipe.

The only downside I can think of is the cost - a good thermostatic valve is expensive!