Plumbing – Underground downspout pipe may be leaking


I have been getting more and more water in my basement in the last few years. Every time it snows and melts, water trickles in around one spot in the basement floor.

I had someone come out to take a look and when they ran a camera through my yard drainage system, we saw that the buried pvc pipe has holes in the sides of the pipe. The technician thinks that this is the cause of the leaking as the spot where it leaks is right by a downspout with a buried discharge pipe. The start of the system has water running through it, further down near where this issue the water slows to a trickle, and then after another downspout is connected to the drainage system the water really moves through the pipe again. The drain pipe goes out into the storm sewer.

This guy was originally coming out to estimate for an interior drain tile to be installed, so it seems like he is actually doing things in my best interest since this will be much cheaper and i could even do it myself.

My question is this: Does this sound like a good reason to replace the pipe with solid pvc with no holes? Would having holes on the sides of the buried pvc pipe really cause enough water to escape that it would eventually leak into my basement?

Best Answer

It's not clear what you are telling us. If the PVC is French Drain type, built with holes, then it's intended to allow water to flow in/out. If it is simply broken, then of course you should replace the broken length so it functions as designed.

To determine whether it is the source of the leak, do what plumbers do: dump water with some dye mixed in down the pipe and see if the colored water shows up in the basement. If not, it's more likely what you have is a high water table and a microcrack in the basement floor (which may be patchable with hydraulic cement).

And finally, I dunno where you live but the towns I've been in generally ban any on-property drain from feeding a storm drain. YOu might want to check out the local codes.