Plumbing – use a 1/4 turn valve in place of multi turn valve for toilet


Can a quarter turn valve like this…

enter image description here

be used in place of the traditional toilet valves like this?

enter image description here

I ask because I recently replace the later with the former and it makes this strange "hissing" noise every time the toilet fills up. I suspect it is due to the very small outlet hole inside the "top" of the 1/4 turn valve that literally sprays water into the braided tube that connects to the toilet. Any ideas?

(pictures from the respective HD web pages)

Best Answer

Yeah nothing wrong. You could use either or. Only difference between quarter turn and multi turn is the actual turn method. Quarter turns require to go a “quarter of the way of a full turn”. Multi turns requires continuous turns. Depending on what type of pipe you have coming up is the most important. Not all shut off valves will work for each other. And most sizes are 1/2x3/8. But there is also 1/2x1/2