Plumbing – Using a sealant to stop a toilet tank leak


The toilet tank is leaking through the bolts, but the bolts are so rusted I can't remove them. I can't afford a plumber right now, but would like to stop using bucket-fulls of water to flush. My husband wants to use a sealant to stop the leaking. Is this feasible?

Best Answer

You can cut the bolts off with a mini hacksaw. The rubber washers inside the tank are shot, and that's what's causing your leak. You can fix it for $10.

  1. Turn off water (I think you're already here).
  2. Flush and sop up the remaining water in the tank with a sponge (or use a shop vac if you have one).
  3. Cut off the bolts and remove them.
  4. Replace with new bolts and washers.
  5. Refill tank and check for leaks.

Mini hacksaw:

Tank bolts: