Plumbing – Vertical direction of PVC tee used for vent only


If a PVC tee is used to drain, where the flow of fluid is descending, it is obvious it should be positioned (T pedestal slightly pointing) upwards.

But if the piping segment is used only to vent, with air streaming upwards, should the tee be installed upside down so that the pedestal directions matches the ascending flow of air?

Best Answer

If you are using a sanitary tee to go from a horizontal vent pipe into a vertical vent the correct orientation is "upside down" from its normal usage. The curve of the tee should go from the horizontal direction curving up toward the roof. Air flows into the vent from outside to replace air pushed downstream by the falling waste, so the vent is oriented to allow smooth airflow from the roof side into the horizontal vent. sanitary tee in upside down orientation