Plumbing – Water hammer arrestor location (vertical vs horizontal)


I installed water hammer arrestors at the exact location where I had "old school" air chambers, right behind my bath tub faucet. After doing the job, I realized that the water coming from below is coming directly to the hammer arrestors (see picture). After some googling, I noticed that most water hammer arrestor are installed using a T and are somehow connected horizontally on the problematic water line.

I would like some kind of confirmation if the location of my arrestors is correct or not. If not, Feel free to advice how I should update the layout of my lines.


Best Answer

Straight into the arrestor is ideal. The cause of water hammer is the mass of water traveling towards the valve that was shut - the more directly that connects to the arrestor, the better.

They are often only applied after a problem is noticed, in which case getting them in any which way is common.