Plumbing – Water Tank in loft no longer fills up


When changing a washer on the kitchen tap we turned off the mains water supply from under the sink. However, when turning it back on we no longer have hot water in any taps and also no cold water in the shower or bath. Cold water in all sinks works fine.

Our system is gravity fed and it seems the tank in the loft is filling very slowely (only a drip).

Does anyone have any advice on what could be causing it and how to solve this?enter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

It seems your fill valve is stuck in the off position.

I don't have that particular type of valve but I'd try wiggling the moving parts (the blue parts probably) to see if that frees things up.

The instructions show how to check the valve and replace the seals.

diagram from user guide

I'd turn main stopcock off, pull that valve cover off, clean all moving parts up and replace them.

If still not working , you may have to turn off the water and replace the seals with new parts or replace the whole valve with a new unit.