Plumbing – Water taps open and running water when I come home


I've had two occurances where I've come home from work to find my bath taps open and gushing water, even though they were off when I left for work. First time it was both hot and cold taps, yesterday it was just the cold water tap. My plumber is puzzled and said the washers in the taps are fine. Anyone have any ideas or had this happen to you? Two plumbers I've spoken to have no idea. And the taps were definitely off when I left the flat.

Best Answer

I have the same issue with the hot water ONLY. Done some ‘testing’. Mark the tap of the hot water and run some water into the bath. Close the tap and realise that it still has to go about one full turn but it feels as if it is closed. After about 5 minutes I open another hot water tap (the basin) and suddenly the hot water in the bath starts to run. When turning the hot water tap of the bath it easily turn the missing turn as mentioned above. I will inspect the inside of the hot water tap in the next day or two. In the meantime I will check my marks on the tap (and wall) everytime I have used the tap.