Plumbing – Waterproofing plumbing stack in bathroom


I’m currently designing my new bathroom. I live in a 1970’s apartment block and am on the top floor. My neighbor underneath me has previously had problems with water leaking behind my shower and down the plumbing stack onto her ceiling.

My builder has told me that I won’t need to waterproof the plumbing stack as water won’t get into there any more. He was also unsure he was allowed to waterproof inside the stack. Is this correct?

Should water be able to get down the plumbing stack in the first place?

And are there any issues with waterproofing my floor?

enter image description here

Best Answer

What does waterproof the pluming mean?

Plumbing is designed to keep the water on the inside of pipes. If there is a leak in a pipe then the pipe should be repaired.

He was also unsure he was allowed to waterproof inside the stack. Is this correct?

We can not say what the plumber can or can not do.

Waterproofing the inside of pipes is not normally done unless it is an underground or otherwise an inaccessible pipe. In that situation there is a procedure, internal pipe coating, to coat the inside of pipe instead of digging it up.

And are there any issues with waterproofing my floor?

If the pipes are not leaking then waterproofing the floor is not necessary, If the pipes are leaking then waterproofing the floor is not the correct coarse of action.