Plumbing – What could cause the sink to drain slowly


Sometimes our bathroom sink will drain so slowly (with the water running) that the water will fill it faster than it can drain.

However, after shutting the water off and letting it completely subside, it will typically drain properly the rest of the day and for the next several.

Then after a few days it will repeat its previous behavior.

Running Drano through the pipes has not seemed to have made a difference.

What could cause this behavior?

Best Answer

  • Remove the trap from the tailpiece of the wash bowl and see if it needs cleaning.
  • Check your main vent stack that goes through the roof for any obstructions. Verify that a bird has not made a nest there.
  • If the sink was not installed by a plumber and has always had this problem, an air vent pipe may not have been installed or was installed incorrectly.