Plumbing – What does a vent stack look like


Excuse my noob question, but what does a vent stack look like? It's pretty easy to tell which pipes are for waste (I can hear the water running through them), and I'm assuming that all of the pipes with a cleanout are waste as well, but not sure what I should be looking for when trying to find a vent stack to tie into for my bar sink and dishwasher. Is it possible that my basement doesn't have any vent stacks since venting goes up??

Best Answer

There will always be a vent stack in a home if you have plumbing in it. they usually poke out the roof to vent and go all the way to the basement and under the basement floor. All the waste water dumps into these pipes and exits the house to the main waste pipe outside your home. Depending on how many bathrooms you have the number of vent stacks can differ but most homes with one bathroom and a kitchen have two vent stacks. The bathroom vent stack will be the larger one (3-4 inches) and the kitchen is generally around a 2 inch pipe I believe. Usually when you tie into a vent stack you cut out a chunk and insert a "y" fitting of some sort. I am no plumber by any means but I have observed this being done. Also, when you tie into a vent stack there is a code in my state where you have to have the vent for the tie-in go above the fixture above it (i.e. above where the kitchen sink drain dumps into the stack if you tie into that stack) I think the name of that would be a branch vent ( see my simple diagram below). Good luck.Simple vent diagram