Plumbing – What would cause a slight thumping noise in water pipes on toilet and washer


Everyone once in a while, some of the pipes in our house make some noise, mainly only when you flush a the one toilet, or use the washer. When using the sinks, hoses, or shower, the noise is not heard.

Its a rhythmic, light 'thumping' noise. It could almost be considered a clicking noise.

It only lasts while the water is on, and only on the washer and flushing a toilet. Im assuming (since it happens while the water is on and not after its off) that this wouldn't be 'Water Hamer'.

What could be causing this noise, and what should one do to correct it?

Update: if it helps, the noise is at a rhythm of almost one per second, maybe a little quicker, but not really less than half a second.

Update 2: To be more accurate, the noise is actually probably a little faster than once every half a second. Here is a link to a M4A file (recorded from iPhone). This was recorded on the wall opposite of the bathroom, where the pipes should be.

Best Answer

Can you locate the noise (tricky because I am sure it is also traveling along the length of the pipe)? Is it coming from a particular wall? It could be a loose pipe that is moving a little (only when water is running through it) and hitting something.