Plumbing – When did it become illegal to use lead solder in residential plumbing


I'm looking for a citation on when the requirements to use lead-free solder in residential plumbing took effect.

Why? On 06/09/2009 a local plumbing company re-plumbed the house I live in. Today we had lead testing done and found:

  • Pipes: trace amount of lead
  • Brass Fittings: 6.25%
  • Solder: .7%

The fitting at 6.25% was legal at the time.
The pipes are fine.
But that solder number seems quite high for 2009 in California.

A fine fact sheet is at but it does not give the history.

Best Answer

The main site before your link shows that is was in Jan 2009 (par 3) , with the regulations before 2010 being 0.2% for lead solder.