Plumbing – Why not double up on PEX cinch clamps


I'm looking to replace some copper pipe with PEX. The online debate seems heated, although local plumbers I've talked to seem indifferent about the particulars, just praising PEX in general vs. copper.

Some of the online debate around cinch clamps involves anecdotes about them failing a small percentage of the time. For example, it was mentioned in this question. Given the low cost of cinch clamps and ease of application, would it be a good idea to double up on clamps on each fitting? Any reason this wouldn't be cheap insurance?

Best Answer

I do not think it would be a good idea to double up on the clamps. When you are clamping PEX onto a fitting, you want to try to get the clamp near the middle of the fitting, ideally between two ribs. With two clamps, it wouldn't be possible to do this.

To ease your trepidation about the staying power of the clamps, do a test clamp on a fitting. Let it stay overnight, and then try to get it off. You should find that it's very strong. If you ask me, the PEX + clamps is tougher than copper and solder.