Plumbing – Will low well water pH cause plumbing damage or health problems


Our well has been having some bacteria issues so we are installing a UV filter system. The installer also recommended a system to correct the acidic quality of our water which is PH 6.0. He said it can corrode pipes and its not healthy to consume copper. My questions are

-The house is from 1974 and mostly used for weekends. Am I really in danger of pipes leaking in the next 10-20 years from this level?

-Is there any health risk to this level?

Really just trying to figure out if I being upsold or this is a valid concern. Most of the info on the web is from companies that sell water filtration products so I don’t know how objective they are.

Best Answer

A pH of 6.0 is not unreasonably low for a well-water system. That's at the low end of the "normal" range but not anything I'd worry about.

Copper pipes will not be "dissolved" at this pH level and the minute amount of Cu that you are consuming is not a concern. It's a common mineral and it is not generally harmful to humans, certainly not in the quantities you're talking about here.

I'm sure the installer you talked to has a solution to this "problem" and he's trying to sell you one.