Portable AC Port in Apartment Wall


I recently purchased a Honeywell portable AC unit for my apartment but there's two competing issues:

  1. I only have a sliding door in my apartment (no windows), and the adapter kit to vent through the window obviously isn't long enough for the height of the door.

  2. There is a portable AC port in the wall (which I would prefer to use), but the diameter of the Honeywell tubing is 6", and the interior diameter of the wall port is about 5.5". There is also a gradual extrusion away from the wall port with a diameter about 6".

I have been going insane trying to find any information on standardized apartment wall AC ports, and literally any search I try gives me results that are either "10 best AC units to buy for apartments" or imply that I would drill a hole myself to match the size of the tubing. For example, I tried searching "apartment portable ac wall vent". I have been searching for at least 3-4 hours.

So, I have three questions:

  1. What is the wall AC port called so I can search it correctly?

  2. How do I attach the portable AC tube to the wall port? Do I just use duct tape? I literally have no idea how to safely attach it otherwise and the unit did not come with instructions for wall ports.

  3. Should I just give up and purchase a sliding door adapter kit?

I appreciate any help as I am slowly melting!

Here's a picture also. enter image description here

Best Answer

That does not look like a port intended for connecting any sort of hose, particularly as the rim is rounded over without any provision for sealing or securing. It looks like a round register that is missing the central diffuser and damper control parts:

enter image description here

(Photo by Paul Goyette on Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA license)

Do not connect your air conditioner to it as this will most likely disrupt the building's ventilation system (sending your hot exhaust air to other people's apartments) and also probably have flow restriction that will reduce your AC's performance.

Instead, buy an aftermarket sliding door vent kit.