Possible leak from upstairs window into downstairs window


I have a leak in the wall facing outside. There is damage in the cieling directly above the window. Note that this issue only happens about once every 6 months to 1 year. I think when the wind is just right during rain storms.

enter image description here

Snake camera inside of hole

enter image description here

I'm guessing the water comes from the second story window directly above. Is this metal something that can be caulked? Or should I replace it?

The window itself was recently replaced as part of this issue. However, the issue is still there. I'm thinking the metal housing the window is also a problem.

enter image description here

Best Answer

After several years of fighting this issue and asking many experts, I finally have a solution. I attached a garden nozzle with a high pressure setting. Then I sprayed the windows all over the corners and edges. Nothing.

So I started looking at the bricks. I found several places that looked like holes. I sprayed those. FINALLY. Water came into the house. The mortar came loose from the brick and caused the leak. I'm going to plug it up with Quikrete Mortar Repair Sealant.

If I had a buddy I would have also tried a leaf blower. I figure if water can get through then so can air. I was going to push the leaf blower into the hole in my window then go look for a place where air is blowing out.

I credit Dan Schweihs at The Window Dog for helping to finally reproduce the problem. And I'm thankful he did NOT blindly sell me windows that would not have fixed my primary concern (as several other window companies did).