Prep for bathroom wall painting


I am currently remodeling a bathroom and am ready for painting after removing the old vanity and furniture. I have several questions regarding the prep work.

a) There are white thick stuffs (about 1/16") beneath the old paint (the arrows shown in the photos below). They are located over the drywall and easily sanded. What are they? Is there anyway to easily remove them without sanding which would cause a lot of dusts?

b) Should I completely scrape off the old paint before applying a primer? Or, could a primer be applied over the old paint?


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Best Answer

It looks like patches to the sheetrock or maybe wet spots and the rock is not in good shape. You should evaluate if the sheetrock is not solid it should be cut out and replaced. I usually use green board for repairs in bathrooms.(Green board is water resistant sheetrock). I would scrape and see if the paint is well bonded if it is well bonded fill the low spots with topping mud then prime for best results.