Preventing outside heat from hitting cabinets


The front of my house faces west, so when the sun passes over the house, it heats up the front of the house quickly. I have kitchen cabinets and cupboards that are on that west wall. There are dishes in some and food and medicines in the others. How do I insulate the inside of the cabinets to prevent the heat of the day from getting to these cabinets?

Best Answer

You could add a layer of rigid insulation to the back of your cabinets, but you'd lose a couple of inches of space and you'd want to add a covering over the insulation. Plus, I doubt it'd do much (for all the effort), because the heat is already in the cabinet.

Likewise, removing the cabinets and installing insulation in the wall seems expensive...and maybe the wall is already full of insulation.

The best way to keep heat out is to prevent it from entering the about building some latticework outside and planting some vines to cover it. The trellis should be a few inches away from the wall to be most effective. (I suppose you could be really creative and build an insulated wall with latticework on it to really "protect" your wall.)