Product & technique recommendation to trim this door


So I had a new retaining wall built for the walkout from my basement, and there is a small gap (about an inch) between between the door frame and the wall. Currently it is filled with spray foam that's about 20 years old.

Quite clearly this looks crap, and is a poor choice for winter proofing. My current plan is to remove the old spray foam and replace with fresh product, then apply a veneer of mortar between the wall and doorframe. Also thinking about putting some basic white trim over the exposed section.

So my question is, if this was your house what product(s) would you use and how would you trim the door? I'm in Ontario, Canada.


Best Answer

Purchase a 1" thick by 3 1/2" wide PVC trim to go around the 3 sides of the door. Ripping to width were it fit to a proper set back from the edge of the jamb in all areas below the masonry cap of the walls. In essence, trimming in out in a typical fashion the way interior doors are trimmed.

A thinner trim would work but the thicker trim allows the back side that meets the rough wall to be cut out so it goes over the irregular surface. With care the edge that will meet the door jam will remain full thickness, keeping that joint looking as clean as allowable, provided the conditions you are working with.

I would use PVC over the choice of wood since it is impervious to rot.