Proper deck post-beam-post connection


We're getting ready to replace/expand the decks on our house. I'm having plans done and have seen a draft but wanted to educate myself a little while I wait. The draft didn't yet contain sufficient details for the connections I'm asking about here.

Our deck is two stories, where the 2nd story is about half the size of the 1st. There will also be a roof over the upper level. My question is specific to the support posts/columns between the ground and roof (Circled in red and blue in the image). The draft plans showed a 6×6 on concrete base to lower deck, triple 2×10 beam supporting lower deck, 6×6 post to upper deck, triple 2×10 beam supporting upper deck, post to roof, triple 2×8 beam supporting roof. The connections at the roof (in blue on the image) are different in that there's another triple 2×8 connecting there that goes back to the house roof, so perpendicular to the beam visible in the image. How should these post/beam/post connections be made?

Another possibility might be to use continuous columns and beam hangers, something like Simpson HUC. The columns would be nearly 20' long though and so not exactly easy to work with.

Deck View

Best Answer

The usual length of 6x6 pressure-treated timber is 12', though you can get up to 24' (or longer) through special order, there is a rare need for that.

Technology around wood connectors has evolved and advanced rapidly, for your personal information use, I suggest visiting the "Simpson Strong-ties" website, to find the available hardware, cost, and uses.